Corporate Plan

The Cassowary Coast Regional Council Corporate Plans are high level strategic document that sets the direction for Council for the next five years.  It is one of the most significant planning documents adopted by Council and is the means by which Council delivers on its mission to continue to build on the foundations of the new regional council.

One Coast: Cassowary Coast  2021 – 2025

The Cassowary Coast Regional Council has developed the Corporate Plan 2021 - 2025.

The Corporate Plan is Council’s key strategic business plan. It describes the community’s priorities for the future of the region and identifies key themes, goals and strategies which guide Council’s operations now and into the future.

The aim is to provide great experiences, deliver value and create a sustainable future for our community.

The Plan is structured around five key themes:

1. Community: Our People

2. Economy: Our Future

3. Infrastructure: Our Built Environment

4. Region: Our Natural Environment

5. Organisation: Our Team


Previous Corporate plan documents

View and download the Corporate Plan 2021-25 V1

View and download the Corporate Plan 2017-22.

View and download the Corporate Plan 2013-17.