Grants and Funding

Council’s Community Grants and Support Program provides support for a range of community members and local community organisations that endeavour to make positive change and contribute to a vibrant community.

Applicants are subject to eligibility criteria and must complete the relevant application through Council’s Smarty Grants portal with all supporting documentation completed, in order for the application to be considered. Projects and initiatives selected will align with Council’s Vision - We aspire to provide great experiences, deliver value and create a sustainable future for our community.

The Objectives of the Cassowary Coast Regional Council Community Grants and Support Program are to:

  • Create opportunities for diverse activities and events to meet identified community priorities that align with Council’s vision and strategic objectives in accordance with Council’s 2021-2025 Corporate Plan
  • Build community skills, capacity and resilience.
  • Develop and maintain community infrastructure.
  • Strengthen our community through social inclusion and collaboration.
  • Form collaborative partnerships to prioritise physical and mental wellbeing of residents.
  • Prioritise the natural environment.

View Community Grant Guidelines


Funding Centre - Grants Database

Click the SMARTYSEARCH below to search the entire catalogue of Australian Grants - Local, State and Federal as well as Private funding opportunities!




Funding Stream  2024-2025 Budget Allocation  Timing 

Community Projects & Initiatives

(Including Events)

$40, 000 per round 

Round 1 –CLOSED 15 August 2024

Round 2 – September 2024

Round 3 – March 2025 

Community Infrastructure

Apply Now


Round 1 – Opens 2 September

Round 2 – Only if Round 1 is undersubscribed

Emergent (Rapid Response)

Apply Now


2024-2025 Ongoing until funds expended

Youth Assistance

Apply Now


2024-2025 Ongoing until funds expended

Sports and Active Recreation Insurance Support Program

Apply Now


2024-2025 Ongoing until funds expended

Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)

Apply Now

Up to $5,000 per applicant Round 1 - 30 August 2024 - 29 September 2024

Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) - Quick Response

Apply Now

Up to $1,000 per applicant 2024-2025 Ongoing until funds expended
ANZAC Day and Battle of the
Coral Sea Commemorations
$16,000 Round 1 – October 2024


Apply for Open Grant Rounds Here

Grant Provisions

For Program Funding Streams with more than 1 funding round per annum, if Round 1 is under-subscribed, the remaining funds will roll-over to Round 2 within a financial year.

  • Council can allocate any unexpended funds in a Program Funding Stream to another.

Program Funding Stream if appropriate and if other Streams are over-subscribed in the final grant rounds for the financial year.

  • Program Funding Streams that have ongoing applications throughout the financial year will be open until all funds are expended with no further funds available in the 2023-2024 financial year.
  • Timing of the opening and closing dates of Funding Streams may vary from time to time in response to operational requirements.
  • Other Program Funding Streams may be added through the financial year.

For information about each funding stream and the eligibility criteria please go to the Community Grant and Support Program Guidelines.

Grants Information

  • Grant Closing Date Grant Limit

    Community Grants - Round 1

    Community Grants - Round 2






    Streams open from 1 September 




    Per Round


    Emergent Needs Funding  Year round until allocation has been expended   

    Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF)

    To be advised 

    Capped at $5,000

    Regional Arts Development Fund - Quick Response Grant Year Round until allocation has been expended Capped at $1,000
    Youth Assistance Year Round until allocation has been expended.




    Allocations as per Grants Policy

  • Cassowary Coast regional Council’s Community Grants Policy supports the Goals outlined in Council’s Corporate Plan 2021-2025.

    Objectives of the Community Grants Program

    This Program is intended to:

    • Provide community organisations with support to meet identified community needs
    • Build community skills, capacity and resilience
    • Develop and maintain community infrastructure
    • Provide opportunities for community organisations to leverage Council’s assistance to obtain funding from other sources
    • Provide opportunities for community organisations to assist Council to deliver on Councils strategic goals and identified key initiatives

    View Community Grant Guidelines

  • The Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) is a partnership between state and local Government to invest in quality arts and cultural experiences across Queensland based on locally determined priorities.

    RADF promotes the role and value of arts, culture and heritage as key drivers to support diversity and inclusivity; grow strong regions; and provide training, education and employment opportunities for Queensland artists and local communities.

    RADF is a flexible fund, enabling Councils to tailor RADF programs to suit the needs of their community.

    Cassowary Coast Regional Council RADF Committee

    • Cr Trudy Tschui

    • Jaala Pedley

    • Raymond Blanco

    • Vivienne Edwards

    • Jenni Holmes

    • Lydia Mackay

    • Council Officers will conduct outreach sessions prior to each funding round being open. Organisations and individuals are encouraged to book in either one on one or group sessions to ensure projects meet eligibility, and submissions have appropriate evidence.
    • Library Staff at each of the Councils libraries can assist with digital literacy, logging into the Smarty Grants Portal, scanning, printing etc if required.
    • Tully and Innisfail have neighbourhood centres who are also able to assist with project development, budgets and grant submissions for community organsiations.
    • Community Development Officers are on hand to assist with applications, especially if applicants require any special accommodations to be made to increase inclusivity and accessibility in the grant submission process.
    • However, it is recommended the online training modules associated with Smarty Grants be accessed by applicants. Further, any issues with Smarty Grants log ins or functionality should be forwarded directly to Smarty Grants.
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Information Privacy and Right to Information

Applicants must consent to the information contained within this application being disclosed to or by Cassowary Coast Regional Council for the purpose of assessing, administering, monitoring and evaluation. Council may contact other funding agencies to verify grants requested from other funding agencies in support of projects.  For transparency, all payments will be viewable on this website via the Funding Recipients List.

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