
Council operates two community nurseries, one in Innisfail and one in Tully.

These nurseries produce high-quality local native plants for rehabilitation programs and public sales.

The Innisfail Nursery (corner of Campbell & Sundown sts) is open for public sales on Thursdays from 8am to 3pm, and the Tully Nursery  (beside the Council depot, Anderson St) is open on Fridays from 9am to 2pm.

Both nurseries run a community volunteer program. New volunteers are always welcome. The Innisfail volunteer group meets on Thursday mornings from 8am to 11am. The Tully group meets on Friday mornings from 9am to 12pm.

Tree Giveaways

Tree giveaways are held throughout the year and are advertised in the local media, in our enewsletter, on our facebook page and in the "Latest News'' section on the home page of this website.

Contact nursery staff on 1300 763 903 or 07 4043 9178 for further information.

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Species Advice Brochure

Ever wondered which are the best trees to plant under powerlines in our region? Council, with Ergon Energy and Greening Australia, has a list. To see the Ergon Energy Plant Smart brochure, click the link.

Ergon Energy Plant Smart Brochure