Foreshore planning is underway for Kurrimine and Cowley Beaches


Cassowary Coast Regional Council is developing a Foreshore Management Plan (FMP) for the Kurrimine and Cowley Beaches. The Foreshore Management Plan aims to integrate existing plans and strategies, offering a comprehensive approach to guide future land-based activities, enhance coastal resilience, and improve both community and environmental outcomes.

Councillor for Development Planning and Environment Jeff Baines said the Foreshore Management Plan will ensure the preservation of coastal ecosystems, including mangroves, dunes, and marine habitats.

“Preserving ecosystems is crucial for biodiversity and resilience against natural disasters,” Cr. Baines said.

“The plan will also outline strategies for maintaining coastal infrastructure such as boat ramps, jetties, and walking tracks, ensuring they remain functional and safe for public use.

“With increasing threats from climate change and sea-level rise, a well-designed plan can enhance the resilience of coastal communities by implementing adaptation measures and reducing vulnerability to coastal hazards.”

To ensure inclusivity and gather diverse perspectives, Council representatives and foreshore management experts from GHD will initiate community consultation in April. This will provide community members with the opportunity to directly contribute insights, concerns, and suggestions to the project.

Community Consultation sessions will be held on Thursday 18 April 2024 at the Cowley Beach Community Hall from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm and at Kurrimine Beach Community Hall from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Community Consultation will be open from Monday 15 April till Monday 29 April 2024.  

All community members are encouraged to participate and stay informed via Council’s Your Say website at where further project information and updates will be available.